Journey Reports

Austria   April 28th 2016, Bruck, Austria
About the Northern Alps and first passes


Jakob & Ernest:

"Cologne - Vietnam". We never thought that the "number plate" fixed at the rear of the bicycle would bring us so much. On our first leg in Austria we started in Kufstein. As usual, after a few kilometers of riding, we stretched our muscles at a rest area in order to prevent muscle soreness and joint problems. Suddenly, a car with a young woman stopped beside us. She said that she became aware of the sign and has turned at the next opportunity. As she told in retrospect, she imagined that one day her son would also make such a trip and that she would be happy if there were people who take him for one night. So it turned out that we had a wonderful evening with interesting people, got delicious food and a warm place to sleep. But we encountered luck for a second time that day. A man from Cologne, who had also seen this sign and who was traveling on business to his hotel, stopped and offered us for that night a free room in his luxury hotel - for the love of his countrymen, and out of respect for our project.

The next morning we were maternally cared for with breads, travel blessing and with additional financial support. Thus encouraged we ventured on our first pass crossing. Because of winter-like weather in the last days of April in Austria, we were quickly surrounded by snow-covered fir trees and mountains. After a one and a half hour climb we proudly reached our first little pass with 1,275 meters. The photo session was short because temperatures of only 1° C let us shiver quite well.

Towards the end of the day we reached the gate to the Grossglockner road. Driving or not driving this high alpine road had often been subject in recent days. On the Internet, the pass was to be opened on April 29th this year. We had a good weather window of two days in front of us, which in theory could bring us just above the pass. Full of anticipation and enthusiasm we asked a man in the last village after the pass and a place to sleep. The answer came like a bang and made us really sad. There was about half a meter of new snow up there, and the opening had to be postponed until next month.

The excessive disappointment at the omission of this beautiful, but also very tiring pass was to be seen in our faces. A few minutes later, the nice man came back to us with a 50€ note in his hand and said that he’s very sorry, but he wanted to treat us to a comforting dinner with the money.

Confidence in our happiness and our optimism did not leave us. On the way back into the valley, we drove our thousandth kilometer. Joy was back, and we cheered and shouted into the whole valley. Maybe Ernest should have not let his feelings go out too much, because there was a dull bang, and when I looked back, Ernest’s front left pannier lay on the road, and a road marking pillar was slightly damaged. Well, we were proud to be able to produce an improvised new pocket.

After this first setback we have no other choice but to continue to look forward and to realize the dream of our lives.

The Alps are gorgeously beautiful, but hard to climb with 35 kg of luggage. We are looking forward to warmer areas.  ImgSmiley

{Translation from German: Webmaster}

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Comments to this report:

Susanne writes:

May 02nd 2016, 20:50

Es ist so schön, dass ihr uns so lebendig an euren Erlebnissen teilhaben lasst.Wir Menschen sind doch so staunenswerte Wesen, wenn wir auf unser Herz hören.wieviel Vertrauen schenkt ihr und wird euch entgegengebracht. Ich habe jetzt noch Lachtränen auf dem Gesicht durch euer Video von heute,,,man konnte die Kälte förmlich am eigenen Leib spüren!!!!!

Benedict writes:

May 03rd 2016, 12:34

Ich wüsste einige Dinge, die ich lieber täte, als 15.000 km auf meinem Hintern abzureiten. Und trotzdem bin ich zurzeit jeden Tag neidisch auf euch.
Um die Glocknerstraße tut es mir für euch irre leid. Das ist einfach großartig da oben. Aber ihr kriegt vermutlich noch ein paar andere landschaftliche Hochlichter zu sehen...
So, jetzt mal sehen, ob ich die Sicherheitsabfrage zuverlässig kann. Knifflig...
Alles Gute

Joan Roig writes:

May 03rd 2016, 15:54

Es sorprenen com anem seguint la vostre història, nosaltres en som més privilegiats com a pares en rebre informació de 1ª ma: wapsap, facetime, sms,...., però no deixa de sorprendrem els comentaris que, aneu reben de forma anònima, per nosaltres, però que per vosaltres ja formen part d’aquesta història, és un petit homenatge a aquesta gent que us ha donat el seu escalf durant les vostres vicissituds!!
El traductor google, fa miracles!!! Vielen dank an alle ;) !!!!

Familie Steinkuhl writes:

May 05th 2016, 09:17

Hello Stunners! It´s really nice to read your report and we are feelin with you and your experiences on your tour.It´s great to meet those people and their behaviour. We are sure that they are little angels sended from god to support you.

Andrea Müller writes:

May 05th 2016, 14:49

Hallo Ernest, hallo Jakob,
wie schön, von Euch zu lesen! Jetzt seid Ihr beinahe schon einen Monat unterwegs und habt Deutschland hinter Euch gelassen. Ich wünsche Euch weiterhin gute Erfahrungen auf eurer Reise und allzeit Rückenwind,
herzliche Grüße
Andrea M.

martin writes:

May 07th 2016, 01:12

Danke für die schönen Bilder.
Brrrrr..., wie's mich friert, schon beim hinschauen.
Ich denk oft an euch und wünsche euch weiterhin viele nette Menschen um euch und Orte die euch Kraft geben euer Ziel stehts mit Freude vor Augen zu haben. Nicht der Wind entscheidet wohin die Reise geht, sondern wie man die Segel setzt. Ich begleite euch weiter neidisch mit Bewunderung.

Sabine Arndt writes:

May 10th 2016, 21:27

Lieber Ernest, lieber Jacob ! Ich denke so oft an Euch und verfolge mit Spannung Euren Blog hier. Himmel, was Ihr zwei jungen Burschen alles erlebt. Und dies ist grad "der Anfang". Ich wünsch Euch weiterhin liebe, nette und aufgeschlossene Menschen (so wie Ihr es seit) . Die Euch unterstützen, Unterschlupf gewähren, motivieren , mit Essen versorgen , Euch Mut zusprechen, Trost spenden und helfen. Und da ich Euch und Eure Mission so irre finde, habe ich gerade beschlossen , mein Geburtstagsgeld für Euer "Vorhaben" zu spenden. Ich drück Euch gaanz feste und werde gespannt diesen Blog weiter verfolgen. Liebe Grüße , wo immer Ihr gerade radelt 🚲

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