Journey Reports

Germany   April 10th 2016, Cologne, Germany
Time has come! Farewell and departure


It was an emotional farewell and an impressive start on a great adventure. Yes, even in our modern world of high technology and wealth of information, this still exists: even today one can head east like once Marco Polo or Sven Hedin did to open and explore distant lands and other cultures for one’s own eye and one's own heart.

The two young men worked hard on the realization of their dream. And now the time had come: the joy of this moment sprayed in their eyes, the dream became a reality today. They do something what most people cannot do. Many good wishes and prayers accompany them now on their long journey to Asia. May they return safely, rich of beautiful experiences - next year.

Fritz {Webmaster}


I'm sitting in front of a fire near Oberwinter. The first day is almost over. This morning when I took farewell, there were so many feelings inside of me, feelings of which I didn't know how they will strike me. As the dometips appear in front of us on our way to the departure point, I'm realizing that today is the day for which I have been waiting since 5 years now. It feels so surreal right now, as if I was dreaming.

We're sitting on the banks of the Rhine, our tents behind us. Being accomodated by a small, really nice family, who are outstanding hosts, it seems like it was only a weekend trip.

The moments when I was saying goodbye to my family and friends and realized how much I meant to them, were increadibly touching and motivating at the same time.

I'm feeling free. Freer than I've ever felt before. I've left everything behind. I've terminated all of my obligations and now I'm facing the greatest adventure of my life.

I'm stoked and full of energy. Having Ernest by my side, I'm looking forward to this adventure with sparkling eyes and I'm even more excited to share our experience with all of you.

{Translation from German: Jessica}


Yes, the so much expected and awaited day has come. It's hard to describe what I feel now, but I will try. Today has been a day of strong emotions, the nervousness has taken my feelings, already early in the morning, before the sun rose. I think that is probably common prior to the start of such a journey.

Sadness and joy were the dominant feelings today, among all the people in front of the Cologne Cathedral. Sadness because of farewell, but this was then outweighed by the joy, since everyone knew that this was the beginning of our dream. A dream, that has become reality and fills our heart with happiness and satisfaction, but also a dream that we worked hard for.

That's funny: we speak about a world tour, and the first day we sleep only 30 km from the place, which has been my home for four years. But that's so, if you are traveling by bike. Therefore it is difficult to realize that the project is already under way. It feels very surreal.

Just as it should be, we have been very fortunate with our accommodation on the first day. We are camping in the garden a very pleasant family and enjoy a brutally beautiful view of the river Rhine.

I am very happy to have started this project and adventure with Jakob. An adventure which will help me to learn to know me better, to know my limits and my ability to overcome difficult moments.

Very happy and with love of life!

{Translation from German: Webmaster}

A couple of photographs of the departure:

 i20160410-01 i20160410-02 i20160410-03 i20160410-04 i20160410-05 i20160410-06 i20160410-07 i20160410-08Picture: Don Bosco Mission Bonn / Michele Brancati

 i20160410-09Picture: Don Bosco Mission Bonn / Michele Brancati

 i20160410-10Picture: Don Bosco Mission Bonn / Michele Brancati

Comments to this report:

Christoph Reuter writes:

April 10th 2016, 21:12

Auf geht's Jungs . Viel Glück.

Ursula writes:

April 11st 2016, 11:14

Gute Reise!!!

Joan Roig writes:

April 11st 2016, 15:18

També estic amb vosaltres!!

Sarah Schmidt writes:

April 11st 2016, 22:49

Ich bin sooo gespannt. Viel Spaß, Erfolg und beeindruckende Momente wünsche ich euch. Kommt gesund zurück.😊☺

Christian Bollig writes:

April 14th 2016, 07:08

Hey ihr zwei, ich wünsche euch
ganz viel Glück,Spaß und Erfolg!
Passt gut auf euch gegenseitig auf! Man(n) weiß ja nie was kommt!!
Macht weiter fleißig Bilder, damit wir auf dem laufenden bleiben.

mit sportlichen Grüßen
Christian aus der NCH

H.P: Geyer writes:

April 17th 2016, 11:14

Habe euch am ersten Tag eurer Reise in Sinzig getroffen.
Ich wünsche euch viel Glück für eure Tour und viel Erfolg.

Martin Heilscher writes:

April 18th 2016, 11:56

Hallo ihr zwei Weltenbummler, ich hatte das GLÜCK euch am Fuße von "Rothenburg ob der Tauber" aufzugabeln. Es war dein toller Abend mit euch. Ihr seit immer willkommen in meiner Stadt.
Ich beneide euch. Viel Glück, Gesundheit und allzeit Kraft zum durchhalten.
Wünschen euch Martin, Lea und Tobias

Joan Roig writes:

April 18th 2016, 15:43

És fantàstic el que esteu construint Ernest i Jakob, seguiu així!!! endavant!!

Ephrem sdb writes:

April 19th 2016, 21:00

Best wishes!


April 20th 2016, 22:45


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